Avail Pejas Consulting ’s expertise in provider enrolment and credentialing, keep physician credentialing regularly updated with your payers!

Physician credentialing is one of the crucial parts of a medical practice’s revenue cycle. In a way, proper credentialing impacts the payment, and thus influences the financial well-being of the practice. When health care facilities partner with efficient physician credentialing service providers such as Pejas Consulting, they get the opportunity to navigate their processes of provider enrolment as well as MD credentialing. Pejas Consulting ’s exclusive solutions help medical organizations to reduce denials while getting paid properly.

Why Choose Us?

Pejas Consulting ’s robust medical credentialing services include, but are not limited to the following:

Credentialing and re-credentialing: Pejas Consulting takes care of getting patient insurance eligibility verification from the insurance companies before the appointment of the patients, thus ensuring that there are no chances of insurance denials.

Compliance with the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) as well as the Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS) is crucial – this can be achieved by availing the credentialing services of Pejas Consulting.

End-to-end credentialing: expirables management and credentialing solutions for any third-party insurance, CAQH, and Governmental payers.

Primary source verification.

Quality assurance process that helps to prevent rejection of credentialing applications.

Follow-up that ensures a smooth enrollment

Benefits of Availing Physician Credentialing Services from Pejas Consulting

Practices can keep their data regularly updated with the payers.

Revenue leakage can be mitigated

Increased patient referrals and faster payment processing

Identification of payer trends

Building relationships with different payers

If you are seeking assistance to efficiently manage your credentialing and contracting process, you may connect with Pejas Consulting!